Volume 13, Number 31
22 May 2007

Distinguished Teachers Honored

The University is pleased to announce the recipients of the Distinguished Teachers of the Year Award for 2007. Asst. Prof. Aslıhan Altay Salih and Assoc. Prof. Ali Sinan Sertöz were chosen based on the comments of Bilkent students, alumni and colleagues for demonstrating outstanding teaching abilities, and for contributing to students’ academic and intellectual development. The Bilkent News asked this year's "Distinguished Teachers" for their thoughts on receiving this award.

Asst. Prof. Aslıhan Altay Salih / Department of Management

This prestigious award honors me. Teaching is an extremely joyful and rewarding experience for me. It is joyful when I see the interest and the enthusiasm in the eyes of the students who are learning with me. It is rewarding when I see one of my students competently solving a complex problem in an elegant way in front of a tough audience, or when they come up with creative solutions I have not thought of.
There are many people who shared this wonderful experience with me. I would like to thank all of my current and former students, my colleagues in the department, and my former teachers for this award. Last but not least I would like to thank to my parents, Murat, Bahar and Batuhan for being such a supportive family.

Assoc. Prof. Ali Sinan Sertöz / Department of Mathematics

If "Happy is the man who can make a living out of his hobby," then I do not know what adjective is suitable to describe him when he is given an award on top of that. I was already amazed that I am constantly being paid for my hobby – not only for doing it but also for sharing it with students. Now, this award simply increases my amazement that wonderful things do happen in life. I am honored to receive this award. I will display it with pride. It will continuously remind me that tomorrow the world will be a better place because of this huge and distinguished body of teachers all around the world of whom I am a humble and happy member. I thank my students and colleagues who recommended and considered me for this award.


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