Volume 12, Number 13
13 December 2005


Dr. Sinan Sertöz Wins Simavi Award

Dr. Sinan Sertöz, who is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at Bilkent, has won the 2005 Sedat Simavi Foundation Science Award for his work "Which Singular K3 Surfaces Cover an Enriques Surface," published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
The Sedat Simavi Science Award was established in 1977 by the Turkish Journalists Society. The award is named after the founder of the society, and is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the area of natural sciences.

Dr. Sertöz received his doctorate from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 1984 and joined Bilkent University in 1988.

Those who are interested can find Prof. Sertöz's work at


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