Geometry Seminar
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**** 2023 Fall Talks ****
semester we plan to have our seminars online
Degtyarev-[Bilkent] - Singular real plane sextic curves without real
(joint with Ilia Itenberg) REFERENCES [1]. Ayşegül Akyol and Alex
Degtyarev, Geography of irreducible plane sextics,
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 111 (2015), no. 6,
13071337. MR 3447795 |
Turgay Akyar-[ODTÜ] -
Special linear series on real trigonal curves
Abstract: For a
given trigonal curve $C$, geometric features
of the Brill-Noether variety $W_d^r(C)$
parametrizing complete linear series of degree $d$
and dimension at least $r$ are well known. If the
curve $C$ is real, then $W_d^r(C)$ is also defined
over $\mathbb{R}$. In this talk we will see the
basic properties of real linear series and discuss
the topology of the real locus
$W_d^r(C)(\mathbb{R})$ for some specific cases. |
Abstract: It
is a classical and very useful fact that any n+2
linearly general points in P^n are projectively
equivalent. In this talk, I will consider
generalizations of this statement to higher
dimensional linear spaces. The group PGL(n) acts
on products of Grassmannians or more generally
flag varieties. I will discuss cases when this
action has a dense orbit. This talk is based on
joint work with Demir Eken, Abuzer Gündüz, Majid
Hadian, Chris Yun and Dmitry Zakharov. |
Abstract: The geometry
of the equisingular strata of curves, surfaces,
etc. is one of the central problems of
K3-surfaces. Thanks to the global Torelli
theorem and surjectivity of the period map, the
equisingular deformation classification of
singular projective models of K3-surfaces with any
given polarization becomes a mere computation. The
most popular models studied intensively in the
literature are plane sextic curves and spatial
quartic surfaces. Using the arithmetical
reduction, Akyol and Degtyarev [1] completed the
problem of equisingular deformation classification
of simple plane sextics. Simple quartic surfaces
which play the same role in the realm of spatial
surfaces as sextics do for curves, are a
relatively new subject, promising interesting
discoveries. |
Abstract: Quiver
Donaldson-Thomas invariants are integers
determined by the geometry of moduli spaces of
quiver representations. I will describe a
correspondence between quiver Donaldson-Thomas
invariants and Gromov-Witten counts of rational
curves in toric and cluster varieties. This is
joint work with Pierrick Bousseau (arXiv:2302.02068
and arXiv:arXiv:2308.07270). |
Abstract: In
this talk, we present certain results regarding
the higher genus Gromov-Witten theory of
$\mathbb{C}^n/\mathbb{Z}_n$ obtained by studying
its cohomological field theory structure in
detail. Holomorphic anomaly equations are certain
recursive partial differential equations predicted
by physicists for the Gromov-Witten potential of a
Calabi-Yau threefold. We prove holomorphic anomaly
equations for $\mathbb{C}^n/\mathbb{Z}_n$ for any
$n\geq 3$. In other words, we present a phenomenon
of holomorphic anomaly equations in arbitrary
dimension, a result beyond the consideration of
physicists. The proof of this fact relies on
showing that the Gromov-Witten potential of
$\mathbb{C}^n/\mathbb{Z}_n$ lies in a certain
polynomial ring. This talk is based on the joint
work arXiv:2301.08389
with Hsian-Hua Tseng. |
Abstract: Random
algebraic geometry studies variable properties of
typical algebraic varieties as opposed to
invariant properties or extremal properties. For
instance, a complex algebraic projective plane
curve is always topologically connected, which is
an invariant property; a real algebraic
projective plane curve of degree $d$ has, by a
classical theorem of Harnack, at most
$g+1=(d-1)(d-2)/2+1$ connected components where
$g$ denotes genus, which is an extremal property;
whereas a random real algebraic projective degree
$d$ plane curve in a suitable precise sense (to be
explained in the talk) has an expected number of
connected components of order $d$. In this talk, I
will first present the setup and some of the main
known results of the field of random algebraic
geometry. I will then proceed to discuss some of
our results on the expected properties of amoebas
of random complex algebraic varieties, based on a
joint work with Turgay Bayraktar, and another
joint work with Jean-Yves Welschinger. |
Abstract: Let $S$ be a
4-generated pseudo-symmetric semigroup generated
by the positive integers $\{n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4\}$
where $\gcd(n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4) = 1$. $k$ being a
field, let $k[S]$ be the corresponding semigroup
ring and $I_S$ be the defining ideal of $S$. $f_*$
being the homogeneous summand of $f$, tangent cone
of $S$ is $k[S]/{I_S}_*$ where ${I_S}_* =<
f_*|f \in I_S >$. We will show that the
"Hilbert function of the local ring (which is
isomorphic to the tangent cone) for a 4 generated
pseudo-symmetric numerical semigroup
$<n_1,n_2,n_3,n_4>$ is always non-decreasing
when $n_1<n_2<n_3<n_4$" by an explicit
Hilbert function computation. |
Abstract: Abelian class field theory,
which describes (including the arithmetic of)
all abelian extensions of local and global
fields using algebraic and analytic objects
related to the ground field via Artin
reciprocity laws has undergone two
generalizations. The first one, which is still
largely conjectural, is the non-abelian class
field theory of Langlands, is an extreme
generalization of the abelian class field
theory, describes the whole absolute Galois
groups of local and global fields using
automorphic objects related to the ground field
via the celebrated Langlands reciprocity
principles, (and more generally via
functoriality principles). The second
generalization is the higher-dimensional class
field theory of Kato and Parshin, which
describes (including the arithmetic of) all
abelian extensions of higher-dimensional local
fields and higher-dimensional global fields
(function fields of schemes of finite type over
ℤ) using this time K-groups of objects related
to the ground field via Kato-Parshin reciprocity
laws. |
Abstract: Large configurations of lines
(or, more generally, rational curves of low
degree) on algebraic surfaces appear in
various contexts, but only in the case of cubic
surfaces the picture is complete. Our principal
goal is the classification of large
configurations of lines on quasi-polarized K3-surfaces
in the presence of singularities. To the
best of our knowledge, no attempt has been made
to attack this problem from the
lattice-theoretical, based on the global Torelli
theorem, point of view; some partial results
were obtained by various authors using
``classical'' algebraic geometry, but very
little is known. The difficulty is that, given a
polarized N\'eron--Severi lattice, computing the
classes of smooth rational curves depends on the
choice of a Weyl chamber of a certain root
lattice, which is not unique. |
ODTÜ talks are either at Hüseyin Demir Seminar room or
at Gündüz İkeda seminar room at the
Mathematics building of ODTÜ.
Bilkent talks are at room 141 of Faculty of Science
A-building at Bilkent.
Zoom talks are online.