ODTÜ-BİLKENT Algebraic Geometry Seminar
(See all past talks
ordered according to speaker and date)

2012 Spring Talks

This semester we are going to run a learning seminar on Patrick Shanahan's book, 
The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics No: 638. 


  1. Bilkent, 2 March  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Ali Sinan Sertöz-[Bilkent University] - Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem - Preliminaries

    Abstract:  Preliminaries will be discussed; mostly characteristic classes.



  2. ODTU, 9 March  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Ali Sinan Sertöz-[Bilkent University] - Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem - Motivation and Statement

    Abstract:  I will talk about the motivation for the index theorem and discuss the individual terms in the statement of the theorem.

  3. Bilkent, 16 March  2012, Friday, 15:40

    İnan Utku Türkmen-[Bilkent University] - The de Rham and Dolbeault operators

    Abstract:  We examine the consequences of applying the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem to de Rham and Dolbeault operators.

  4. ODTU, 23 March  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Mustafa Kalafat-[ODTU] - The Hodge operator

    Abstract:  In this talk we will demonstrate that the application of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem to Hodge operator yields the Hirzebruch signature theorem.

  5. Bilkent, 30 March   2012, Friday, 15:40

    Yıldıray Ozan-[ODTU] - The Dirac operator

    Abstract:  In this talk we will discuss the application of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem to Dirac operator.

  6. ODTU, 6 April  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Turgut Onder-[ODTU] - The ring K(X)

    Abstract:  In this talk we give a brief description of the ring K(X) of  stable vector bundles over X.

  7. Bilkent, 13 April   2012, Friday, 15:40

    Turgut Onder-[ODTU] - The ring K(X), II

    Abstract:  In this talk we continue to give a brief description of the ring K(X) of  stable vector bundles over X.

  8. Bilkent, 20 April  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Asli Guclukan Ilhan-[Bilkent] - The topological index B

    Abstract:  In this talk we will elaborate on the topological index B as covered in Shanahan's boook.

  9. ODTU, 27 April  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Mehmetcik Pamuk-[ODTU] - Pseudodifferential operators

    Abstract:  In this talk we will discuss pseudodifferential operators and their suitable generalizations as discussed in Shanahan's book.


  10. Bilkent, 4 May  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Özgün Ünlü-[Bilkent] - Construction of the index homomorphism

    Abstract:  In this talk we will discuss the construction of the index homomorphism as given in Shanahan's book.


  11. Bilkent, 11 May  2012, Friday, 15:40

    Ali Sinan Sertöz-[Bilkent University] - Proof of the index theorem

    Abstract:  In this talk we will discuss the main ideas surrounding the proof of the index theorem as given in Shanahan's book.


ODTÜ talks are either at Hüseyin Demir Seminar room or at Gündüz İkeda seminar room at the Mathematics building of ODTÜ.
Bilkent talks are
at room 141 of Faculty of Science A-building at Bilkent.


2000-2001 Talks  (1-28) 2001 Fall Talks  (29-42) 2002 Spring Talks  (43-54)   2002 Fall Talks  (55-66)
2003 Spring Talks  (67-79) 2003 Fall Talks  (80-90) 2004 Spring Talks (91-99) 2004 Fall Talks (100-111)
2005 Spring Talks (112-121) 2005 Fall Talks (122-133) 2006 Spring Talks (134-145) 2006 Fall Talks (146-157)
2007 Spring Talks (158-168) 2007 Fall Talks (169-178) 2008 Spring Talks (179-189) 2008 Fall Talks (190-204)
2009 Spring Talks (205-217) 2009 Fall Talks (218-226) 2010 Spring Talks (227-238) 2010 Fall Talks (239-248)
2011 Spring Talks (249-260) 2011 Fall Talks (261-272)