Ali Sinan Sertöz Citations Page |
- Sertöz, S.; Özlük, Ali E. : On
a Diophantine problem of Frobenius.
Istanbul Tek. Üniv. Bül. 39 (1986),
no. 1, 41--51.
- T. C. Brown, A Remark related to the Frobenius Problem,
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- T. C. Brown, Wun-Seng Chou, Peter J-S Shiue, On the partition
function of a finite set, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
27 (2003), 193-204.
- J. L. Ramirez Alfonsin, The Diophantine Frobenius
Problem, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its
Applications 30, Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Sertöz, S. : On Bott's
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Doga Mat. 11 (1987), no. 1,
- C. Godbillon, Feuilletages, Etudes Geometriques,
Progress in Mathematics series vol 98, Birkhauser Verlag Basel,
- Sertöz, S. : C*-actions on
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Math. Scand. 62 (1988), no. 1,
- M. Kwiecinski, Sur le Transforme de Nash et la construction du
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- M. Kwiecinski, MacPherson's Graph Construction, Algebraic
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- J. L. Ramirez Alfonsin, The Diophantine Frobenius
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- Tonta Y, Özkan Çelik AE. Cahit Arf: Exploring his scientific
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- García-Sánchez, P. A., Heredia, B. A., Karakaş, H. İ.,
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- Çelikbaş, E., Çelikbaş, O., Goto, S., Taniguchi, N.,
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