Calculus II
Math 102
Ali Sinan Sertöz
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room: SA-121
Office Hours: Tuesday 13:40-15:30 or by appointment
MON 10:40-12:30 EB101
THU 8:40-10:30 EB101
Text Book: Thomas' Calculus, any edition will do but I will use the 11th edition.
Syllabus: (chapter and section numbers are from the 11th edition.)
Improper integrals 8.8
Sequences and series 11.1-11.3
Tests for convergence 11.4-11.6
Power series 11.7-11.10
Analytic geometry ( a fast survey) 12.1-12.6
Multivariable functions 14.1-14.3
Multivariable functions 14.4-14.6
Multivariable functions 14.7-14.8
Double integrals 15.1, 15.3
Triple integrals 15.4,15.6-15.7
Vector fields and line integrals 13.1, 13.3-13.5, 16.1-16.2
Green's theorem 16.3-16.4
Stokes's theorem 16.5-16.8
Midterm 1, 25%, Date: TBA
Midterm 2, 25%, Date: TBA
Final, 35%, Date: TBA
Homework, 15%
All homeworks and solutions will be announced here in Acrobat format (pdf) for
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