MATH 102 Calculus II
Sections 03 and 13
Spring 2021

The official webpage for this course is

Moodle: MATH 102 (All Sections) Calculus II

***Official announcements will be made only through the above Moodle page***


Ali Sinan Sertöz
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room: SA-121
Phone: 290 1490

Office Hours:
  anytime via email

Lectures will be online via Zoom

Schedule for Section 03

Schedule for Section 13

TUE 10:30-12:20 B-204

THU 15:30-17:20 B-204

MON 13:30-15:20 SA-Z18

THU 08:30-10:20

Lecture notes, Quizzes, Quizz solutions and other unofficial announcements pertaining to this section only will be posted to
Moodle page: MATH 102-03 Calculus II

Lecture notes, Quizzes, Quizz solutions and other unofficial announcements pertaining to this section only will be posted to
Moodle page: MATH 102-13 Calculus II

_How to write_

How to get an A in Calculus

The videos of the past Calculus lectures
the screenshots of the board
are here

Visit also Okan Tekman's Generic Calculus Page for numerous useful information

On the following pages you will find:
Syllabus for Section 03
Syllabus for Section 13
Grade policy etc
Attendance policy etc