Math 206-03 Complex Calculus
2007 Spring
Ali Sinan Sertöz
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room: SA-121
Office Hours: Monday 13:40-15:30 or by appointment
Ahmet Ermeydan
Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
Office: EA 401,
Tel: +90 (312) 290 2610
TUE 8:40-10:30 BZ-05
THU 10:40-11:30 BZ-05
Text Book: Complex variables and applications, J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill. Seventh edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.
Complex analytic functions
Complex integration
Power series and residues
Conformal mappings and applications
Laplace and z-transforms (Lecture Notes)
Grading and Exams:
Midterm 1, (25%)
Midterm 2, (25%)
Final Exam, (30%)
Homework, (20%)
For previous years' exam and homework solutions see courses main page.