Algebraic Geometry,
Proceedings of Bilkent Summer School

Sinan Sertoz, (Ed.)

Marcel Dekker, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series no: 193,
ISBN: 0-8247-0123-2, 408 pages, illustrated,
$165.00, (20% discount for AMS members)
August 1997
The book can be ordered direct from Marcel Dekker:
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Amrani, A.
Cohomological Study of Weighted Projective Spaces, 1-52.

Brasselet, J-P.
Geometry of Toric Varieties, 53-87.
Gomez--Mont, X.
Integration of Algebraic Functions and the Riemann-Kempf Singularity Theorem, 89-134.
Kwiecinski, M.
MacPherson's Graph Construction, 135-155.
Miranda, R.
An Overview of Algebraic Surfaces, 157-217.
O'Shea, D.
Computing Invariants of Hypersurface Singularities, 219-256.
Schappacher, N.
Some Milestones of Lemniscatomy, 257-290.
Sertoz, S.
An Overview of the Search for Minimal Models of Algebraic Threefolds, 291-311.
Stepanov, S.
Character Sums, Algebraic Curves and Goppa Codes, 313-345.
Tyurin, A.
The Classical Geometry of Vector Bundles, 347-378.
Index, 379.

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