Bilkent International School for Advanced Studies Mathematics ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SUMMER SCHOOL 7-19 August, 1995, Bilkent University, Ankara

Contact Person:      (Sinan Sertoz)
The Algebraic Geometry Summer School hosted 61 participants from
Austria, England, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kyrgyzstan,
Mexico, Poland, Russia, Turkiye and USA.  
Here is the 
list of participants.

Proceedings Book

Algebraic Geometry

Proceedings of Bilkent Summer School

Sinan Sertoz, (Ed.)

Marcel Dekker, 
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series no: 193

ISBN: 0-8247-0123-2, 408 pages, illustrated,

August 1997


Amrani, A.
Cohomological Study of Weighted Projective Spaces, 1-52.

Brasselet, J-P.
Geometry of Toric Varieties, 53-87.

Gomez--Mont, X.
Integration of Algebraic Functions and the Riemann-Kempf Singularity Theorem, 89-134.

Kwiecinski, M.
MacPherson's Graph Construction, 135-155.

Miranda, R.
An Overview of Algebraic Surfaces, 157-217.

O'Shea, D.
Computing Invariants of Hypersurface Singularities, 219-256.

Schappacher, N.
Some Milestones of Lemniscatomy, 257-290.

Sertoz, S.
An Overview of the Search for Minimal Models of Algebraic Threefolds, 291-311.

Stepanov, S.
Character Sums, Algebraic Curves and Goppa Codes, 313-345.

Tyurin, A.
The Classical Geometry of Vector Bundles, 347-378.