MATH 431 Algebraic Geometry
Spring 2014


Ali Sinan Sertöz
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room: SA-121, Phone 1490.
Office Hours: Monday 10:30-12:00

What is MATH 431 (2014)
What is MATH 431 (2012)
What is MATH 431 (2011)

Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag GTM Vol 52, (1977).
(First chapter only for most of the topics we will cover.)

Recommended Textbooks:




Subjects to be covered Class Hours
0 Feb 5  Motivation 2
1 Feb 10-Feb 12  Affine varieties 4
2 Feb 17-Feb 19  No Class This Week 0
3 Feb 24-Feb 26  Affine morphisms 4
4 Mar 3-Mar 5  Affine complete intersections 4
5 Mar 10-Mar 12  Projective varieties 3
6 Mar 17-Mar 19  Projective morphisms  3
7 Mar 24-Mar 26  Smooth vs singular 3
8 Mar 31-Apr 2  Arf rings 3
9 Apr 7-Apr 9  Affine toric varieties 3
10 Apr 14-Apr 16  Projective toric varieties 3
11 Apr 21  Grassmannians 1
12 Apr 28-Apr 30  Grassmannians 3
13 May 5-May 7  Curves 3
14 May 12-May 14  Riemann-Roch 3
This syllabus is tentative. We may spend more time than allocated on a topic if the class is interested in the subject or if the class finds the pace fast. So we may not cover everything mentioned above. However the bare bones of the course are affine varieties, projective varieties, toric varieties and  Arf rings. We will definitely cover them in detail to everybody's satisfaction.


MON 09:40-10:30 SA-Z01
WED 10:40-12:30 SA-Z01
On February 10, February 24 and March 3 we will start our Monday class at 8:30 to compensate for the 3 lost hours of week 2.

Exams and Grading:

By Yönetmelik Madde 4.7  here is our FZ grade policy:
Failure to attend at least 50% of the classes or averaging less than 40% from the two midterms will result in an FZ grade. 

Midterm 1-Takehome 25%  Given on March 5 Wednesday

Due on March 10 Monday

Midterm 2-Takehome


 Given on April 16 Wednesday Due on April 21 Monday   Solutions
Final-Takehome 25%  Given on 26  May 2014, at  9:00  Due 26 May 2014, at 17:30   Solutions 
Homework 20%     


 Homework 1 Due date: 24 Feb 2014  Homework 1-Solutions
 Homework 2 Due date: 21 Apr 2014  Homework 2-Solutions

The course will be graded according to  the following catalogue:

[40,44] D
[45,49] D+
[50,53] C-
[54,56] C
[57,59] C+
[60,62] B-
[63,65] B
[66,68] B+
[69,71] A-
[72,100] A


Old Exams:

You can refer to my all courses page. However I have never given two similar Math 431 courses in the past. All are different as is this one.