Math 113 Single Variable
Calculus for Mathematicians and Physicists
2010 Fall Semester
Ali Sinan
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics,
Room: SA-121, Phone: 290 1490

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:40-12:30
Assistant: Emre
Can Sertöz

Text Book:
Calculus, A Complete Course, Seventh Edition, Robert A. Adams
and Christopher Essex, Pearson Canada, 2010.
8:40-10:30 |
V-01 |
10:40-12:30 |
V-01 |
Math 113 Calculus 2010 Fall Semester
17 SEP |
Limits and Continuity |
22 SEP |
Limits and Continuity |
24 SEP |
Limits and Continuity |
29 SEP |
Limits and Continuity |
20 OCT |
Transcendental Functions |
22 OCT |
Transcendental Functions |
27 OCT |
Review |
3 NOV |
Applications of Differentiation |
5 NOV |
Applications of Differentiation |
10 NOV |
Applications of Differentiation |
12 NOV |
Applications of Differentiation |
8 DEC |
Techniques of Integration |
10 DEC |
Techniques of Integration |
15 DEC |
Techniques of Integration |
17 DEC |
Improper Integrals |
22 DEC |
Applications of Integration |
24 DEC |
Applications of Integration |
29 DEC |
Applications of Integration |
Grading and Exams:
Final Exam Room Placements |
SAZ-01 |
SAZ-20 |
SAZ-18 |
Alparslan |
20901297 |
Arıduru |
20800563 |
Aşkaroğulları |
20900226 |
Ateşli |
20800712 |
Avcı |
20802581 |
Aydın |
20902021 |
Aydın |
20501784 |
Ayhan |
21002481 |
Bavaş |
20901483 |
Berberoğlu |
20800360 |
Buyraz |
20902446 |
Cerrahoğlu |
20900511 |
Çolak |
21001191 |
Denizli |
20802786 |
Dorum |
20900386 |
Eldemir |
20901033 |
Engin |
20900630 |
Ercan |
20902810 |
Ersoy |
20800669 |
Evran |
20801550 |
Gemici |
20801278 |
Gökkaya |
20901611 |
Göksel |
20900458 |
Hasançebi |
20902447 |
Hızar |
20902847 |
Hoşkan |
20802125 |
İnecik |
20900369 |
Kabataş |
20902525 |
Kadakal |
20903777 |
Kahraman |
20901638 |
Kalender |
20804148 |
Kalkan |
20902442 |
Kandemir |
20701307 |
Karagöz |
20801160 |
Karagüzel |
20900336 |
Karahan |
20801150 |
Karakoç |
20902649 |
Kargın |
20900485 |
Kazak |
21002178 |
Kınacı |
20901218 |
Kızılkan |
20902236 |
Köksal |
20901734 |
Kuntman |
20900359 |
Kuru |
20703859 |
Kutlay |
20901915 |
Müezzinoğlu |
20601054 |
Nenekli |
20901644 |
Öksüz |
20702125 |
Öndağ |
20902550 |
Özbek |
20900190 |
Özcan |
20801473 |
Özçörekçi |
20701555 |
Özdemir |
20901736 |
Özkır |
20902276 |
Polat |
20800946 |
Soylu |
20902559 |
Sözer |
20902518 |
Süslü |
20802610 |
Şahin |
20902124 |
Şeker |
20700525 |
Şenkutlu |
20900479 |
Şimşek |
20900835 |
Temuçin |
20900462 |
Tırman |
21002084 |
Tokmak |
20801105 |
Türker |
20800718 |
Uğurlu |
20804092 |
Ünal |
20701441 |
Yatmaz |
20801463 |
Yavuz |
20901871 |
Yavuz |
20902275 |
Yayçılı |
20800604 |
Yıldırım |
20902295 |
Yıldız |
20802140 |
Yılmaz |
20800610 |
For old exams and homeworks see my
all courses
For useful information about calculus, you may visit Okan
generic calculus page.