Math 116-06

2008 Summer School
9 June-18 July 2007

This is a multi-section course.
The main web page for this course is Math116

Ali Sinan Sertöz
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room: SA-121
Office Hours: Tuesday 13:40-15:30

Faruk Temur

MON 13:40-16:30 BZ02
WED 13:40-16:30  BZ02
FRI    13:40-16:30  BZ02

Text Book: Thomas' Calculus, 11th Edition, Thomas, Weir, Hass and Giordano. Pearson, 2005.


Here is a printable version of the above syllabus.

Homework-1   Solutions to homework-1

Homework-2   Solutions to homework-2

Homework-3   Solutions to homework-3

Midterm-1 Solutions

Midterm-2 Solutions

Final Exam Solutions

Review problems

For old homeworks and exams you can use my general courses web page and Okan Tekman's generic calculus pages Calculus I and Calculus II.

Don't forget to check the course main page.