Math 206-Spring 2004
Complex Calculus and Transformation Techniques
Sections 01 and 02

Life is complex; it has both real and imaginary components.

Announcements    Homework Page

Lecture Notes on Laplace and Z-Transforms


Bülent Özgüler(section 01)

Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Bilkent University,
Bilkent, Ankara,
06800 Turkey
phone: 0090 312 2664307
             0090 312 2901219
fax:       0090 312 2664192

Ali Sinan Sertöz (section 02)

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Room: SA-121, Phone: 1490
Office Hours: Wednesday 13:40-15:30

Mustafa Durukal          Phone 1462            email
Ö. Gökalp Memiş        Phone 1610            email
Onur Bakır                  Phone 1525            email
Sevim Çiğdem             Phone 2103            email: 
Fatih  Hakan Koklu   email:  
Lutfi Murat Gevrekci

Text: Complex Variables and Applications,
           J. W. Brown & R. V. Churchill
           Sixth Edition, 1996 (older editions will also do but check for any change in section and problem numberings.)


A detailed syllabus is available in Acrobat format.

Schedule: (for section 02)

TUESDAY 13:40-14:30 EB-102 Section-02
WEDNESDAY 13:40-15:30 SA-121 Office Hour
FRIDAY 10:40-12:30 EB-102 Section-02


Homework:     20% 

Midterm1:  25%  March 20, 2004, Saturday, Time: 10:30, Duration: 2 hours
Places for the exam:  EB-101, 102, 103, 104, 204.

Midterm2:  25%  May 1, 2004, Saturday, Time: 10:00, Duration: 2 hours
Places for the exam:  EB-101, 102, 103, 104, 203.

Final:          30% 24 May 2004 Monday, Time 12:15, Duration: 2 hours, BZ-01-02-03-04
Makeup Exam:  Medical report holders only.

Solutions of 2002
Quiz-1 , Quiz-2 , Quiz-3 , Quiz-4 , Quiz-5  Midterm-1, Midterm-2, Final

Solutions of 2003
Quiz-1   Quiz-2    Quiz-3  Quiz-4  Quiz-5   Midterm-1   Midterm-2   Final

Solutions of 2004 (for homework solutions see the Homework Page.)
Midterm-1   Midterm-2    Final


Tutorials will be held on Fridays between 17:40-19:30 at the rooms EB: 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202.
Tutorials will be held every week starting from 20 February 2004 Friday.

You can see your midterm papers on 26 March 2004 Friday between 15:30 and 17:00.
And also on 30 March 2004 Tuesday between 15:40 and 16:30.
Section-1 at EA225  Gökalp Memiş's office,
Section-2 at EA228  Onur Bakır's office.
Please write your objections, if any, on a piece of paper and attach it to your exam paper. You will be notified of the result soon after. 

You can see your midterm papers on 12 May 2004 Wednesday between 10:30 and 12:30.
Visit your assistants' offices listed above.

You can see your final exam papers on 28 May 2004 Friday between 10:00 and 12:00 at EA-228.  

Last updated: 19 Şubat 2005